Unfolding the Story

Unfolding the Story

$0.00 remaining
$72,725 raised
103% of $70,000 goal
  • Perspectives USA
  • General
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

After 50 years of ministry, Perspectives USA has countless stories.

How many are waiting to be told? We're finishing this ministry milestone by researching the fruit of our efforts. With your help, we'll discover how Perspectives USA has equipped the Body of Christ in the US for obedient participation in the frontier movement through prayer, welcoming, sending, and going. 

Barna Group, a top-tier Christian research firm, is working with us to make this happen. With their expertise, we will have a comprehensive study of Perspectives USA’s impact on alumni, churches, and organizational partners. We will be able to capture a broader range of influence, allowing us to more accurately represent our mission.

This isn’t just about knowing our story — it’s about sharing it with others who are interested in knowing who we are. When prospective students see how the course changed others’ lives, how many more will say “yes” to taking it themselves? Likewise, how many volunteers, donors, churches, and organizations will say “yes” to partnering with us knowing our global impact?

Stories inspire change. Help us Unfold our Story by giving today!


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Project Owner

Perspectives USA

Perspectives USA is the governing organization that oversees and facilitates the Perspectives course in the United States. An essential component of Perspectives USA is mobilizing leaders of the Perspectives movement in the US. We equip, enable, and encourage Instructors, Coordinators, and volunteers to conduct the course locally, lead class sessions, teach lessons, and develop authentic mentoring relationships. A biblically robust set of values guide and empower our staff, leaders, and volunteers in their unique roles to accomplish the vision and mission of Perspectives USA.

We are a ministry of Frontier Ventures.

  • Website http://www.perspectives.org/
  • Address

    3579 E Foothill Blvd, Suite # 788
    Pasadena, California 91107

  • Phone (626) 398-2110
    (626) 398-2227

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